27 April 2009


I have fallen in love,
With the world,
Something that Thy has pre-warned me,
Something I never thought I would be.

The beauty that I have defied before,
Now suffocates me,
Never ever I noticed before,
A women existance,
Shatter the very me,
For I felt weak and pathetic,
At a glance of you,
Astounded, I stumbled like a berserk.

Wealth has embraced me,
Like an infant deserving attention,
I dream and covet it,
As I began to lose what I have in me.

I fought hard and lose,
Woke up, fought and lose, again,
Soon I realized the abyss in me,
Draining every quench of pleasure I have in life,
Burying me in a life of suffering.

I covet a presence,
Who will satisfy me,
Who would push me,
In my quest of intangible wealth,
Poverty would exalt her loyalty,
Who notices my weakness,
Yet blanket me with faith and warmth,
And hugs of eternity.

05 April 2009


Pengemis pahala,
Mengharap secebis pahala,
Daripada tindakan kerdilnya,
Agar dapat menyelimut hati,
Daripada kesejukan dosa.

Betapa hinanya,
Menitis air mata,
Rasa diri,
Hilang tenang hati,
Pabila Tuhan membelakanginya,
Akibat berdosa dengan sedar.

Tidak pernah mual,
Sujud pada-Nya,
Walaupun tahu,
Syurga bukan miliknya,
Tatkala hari penentuan,
Sekiranya pintu neraka yang terbuka,
Sedangkan kesal,
Pengemis sedar, dia
Hanya pengemis pahala,
Siapalah dia.

Oleh: Ninja Kura-Kura