
Fanaticism : an overzealous, overenthusiastic approach to something.
They who confront these fanatics must understand their attributes. Being labeled fanatics, must not stop us from listening and exploring their world. Unlike criminals, fanatics define their action and justify them, base on the end, aim or purpose which to them are holy, virtuous or for the good. Thus, though appalling to others, their actions e.g. beheading their victim, killing children, exploding a public bus, crashing an airplane into a building, are well justified. The end permits the mean. They believe that their actions are for the greater good.

Fanaticism among the religious scholars can be considered as a fanatic-producing factory. They speak authoritatively. Their words are immaculately the word of God. They dare to accuse other Muslims as ‘kafir’, declare death sentence etc. There can never be any intellectual argument with them, for they themselves are unable to reason what they claim. Their social lives are secluded to their religious activities and interaction with their obedient followers.

The ‘truth’
Al-Fatihaah 1:6-7
Show us the straight way, The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray.
In our daily prayers, we tirelessly read the surah Fatihaah. In the last 2 verse, we pray so that Allah shall not let us go astray (misled). People, who are misled in their belief, do not realize that they are lost. They sincerely believe that they are on the right path. What could be worse than living and believing in something, which is actually wrong and not knowing about it?
Al-Qasas 28:63
Those against whom the charge will be proved, will say: "Our Lord! these are the ones whom we led astray: we led them astray, as we were astray ourselves: we free ourselves (from them) in Thy presence: it was not us they worshipped."
On the Day of Judgment, there will be confession by leaders(fanatic scholars) who are strayed, and many people were strayed by following them. Thus we must be cautious in our believe and action. Blindfoldly following these fanatic leaders, will cause wrath upon us, which we will hold responsibility upon ourselves. There will be no blaming.
To dump the ‘barbaric’ image and revive the majestic Islamic civilization, Muslim must dump fanaticism. Not only does it portray a negative image, it is causing a split into factions in the Muslim society. The worst is that these factions are hostile to each other.

No one is immune to critics, including religious scholars. Scholars have a special place in Islam. They must be honored and respected. Not questioning their altruistic intention, but no human is flawless, comfort and too much respect can indulge them in riaq, takbur, ego-centricity, stubbornness etc. The fight against fanaticism must be initiated and supported by them and among them.
Tolerance should be a compulsory character in present Muslims. Our anger instead should be placed in striving for excellence in economy, knowledge, technology, education, living standard etc and not war, killing, kidnapping and destroying. Inert does not necessarily mean being weak or a betrayal to Islam.
The abandonment of fanaticism will be a giant leap for Islam to take a stand in world politics.
Wrote by:
Azzad bin Hamzah
BalasPadamwell-written indeed (although i cant admit some of points)
overall, i find that you focus much on our religious scholars (as subject) for being too fanatic?
erm..i shud think 10x about this..