Berhijab dan pandai bergaya itu - anggun.
Tidak bertudung dan berpakaian sopan itu - cantik.
Berpakaian seksi itu - menarik, tapi bahaya.
Berhijab tetapi tidak bergaya itu - bosan.
Bertudung dan berpakaian ketat - tersangatlah hodoh.
Berani bersuara dan bijak berkata itu - macho.
Berani bersuara tetapi kurang bijak memilih perkataan itu - hilang macho.
Mempunyai pendapat tetapi senyap sahaja -adalah seorang pengalah (loser).
Orang yang hanya pendam perasaan - adalah bahaya.
Orang yang di depan senyap, di belakang cakap macam bagus - adalah sampah.
Mereka yang depan pura-pura baik, belakang suka mengumpat pasal orang lain - lagilah sampah.
Pakai kasut bila berjalan - satu kebiasaan.
Perempuan yang pandai bergaya dengan kasutnya - menarik.
Perempuan yang pakai kasut tumit tinggi - sangat menarik.
Perempuan memakai but musim sejuk - nampak eksotik.
Perempuan yang pakai kasut sukan (sport shoes) setiap hari, selain untuk bersukan - berdosa.
Yang cerdik dan sangat rajin berusaha - adalah cemerlang dan terbilang.
Yang cerdik tetapi usaha biasa sahaja - adalah sia-sia.
Yang intelek biasa, tetapi usaha gila-gila - adalah juara.
Yang belum buat apa-apa, sudah berfikiran negatif - sangat malang.
Yang dapat biasiswa tetapi banyak main saja - sangat kasihan.
Yang dapat biasiswa, tetapi sibuk main gitar, merokok berlagak bergaya, sibuk bercinta - mampuslah.
Ingin belajar kemahiran seperti memimpin, berpidato, bersosial dan sebagainya, - adalah bagus.
Mereka yang tahu rasa malu itu adalah perkara yang pasti dan perlu dilalui semua - hidup dalam dunia realiti.
Yang takut malu dan cepat patah semangat - sangat rugi.
Yang fikir semua ni tidak perlu, hanya ingin jadi orang biasa saja - adalah manusia kelas bawahan.
Yang ingat sudah pegang jawatan, dia sudah cukup hebat - sangat bodoh.
Perempuan cantik yang matang fikirannya pada usia muda - sukar dijumpai dan digemari saya.
Perempuan yang cuba mematangkan diri - mempunyai potensi menjadi calon isteri saya.
Perempuan yang tidak memilih dalam mencari pasangannya - murahan.
Perempuan cantik yang gedik - sangat menjengkelkan.
Perempuan yang tidak cantik, tetapi gedik - meloyakan.
Perempuan yang sangat cantik dan suka perhatian yang diberikan lelaki - tidak akan bahagia.
24 Mei 2009
12 Mei 2009

The world is changing. So should people. In our times, women are swarming the work places. Urbanization has irreversibly changed human lifestyle and environment. Feminism has turned women to be more independent, substitued their needs, changing the foreplay between man and woman. These dynamic changes require men to take a look back at our social structure and seek their role in it.
We have passed the times when women going to work are a taboo, women earning more than men becoming an issue. Rather than a choice, these has became a need for couples to support their new lifestyle, higher living cost and countries' labour demand.

But the issue is not only about the work but also the after work. Working has changed women's character into more independent, aggressive, out spoken and stress out, or to put it into one word, masculine. That's why I always think that a more appropriate term to replace feminism, is masculinism.
Feminist has argued that women are doing 2 jobs nowadays, working and being housewives(in fact 3 if you count being pregnant). Yet men are still stubborn to get the point. They are still living in the old social contract where their role are sole breadwinners. They must realise that their wives contribute and sacrifice much more comparatively to them. This should ashamed them.
As women work to support their family, so should men contribute doing their household chores. Modern men must be skilled to cook, clean, do laundry, mop etc.
Men have always been automatically entrusted with the role as a leader in the family. In previous social structure, women has accepted this gladly as men were the breadwinners and protector of the family. Women were more dependent on men and it was the social norm during those times.

‘father and child
In the old times, a father's influence on his children is realised through character example, discipline and skills learned by bringing his child to work with him. His focus is concentrated in the physical and mental sphere, but lack in the emotional sphere.

As a father, men must learn to engage emotionally with his child, something that is eccentric to some. They must talk to them, give verbal encouragement, listen to their qualms and spend quality time. Give guidance instead of physical discipline.
These are just some of the ‘incompatible-ness’ between men and the new world.
I believe that all our social problems now comes from one main source. That is men’s incompetence. We are living in a society where, sexual maturity blossoms earlier than intellectual maturity (when it should be the other way around), thanks to the exposure that men get from their ‘new found freedom’ environment. That result in men not owning up like a man, not acting like the real men etc.
These all happen because of men’s lack of intellectual maturity, rendering him oblivious or ignorant to those changes that some of it I mentioned above. That’s why this article is written.
10 Mei 2009
For beauty is a curse,
Thus women falter,
From graces they were,
To blazes of fire.
Alas, it burdens my weary eyes,
It grope my beating heart,
Like a punch to the stomach,
As I watch women pass by,
Hunger for attention,
Thirst for devotion,
From men who are flawed,
Yet accounted by God,
To lead them to happiness.
For I am just another flawed man,
Disgruntled with the world,
Yet his own problem is undone.
Oh women,
My hearfelt feeling goes to you,
For dreaming since young,
To engage another half of you,
To be supportive,
To be faithful,
To be compassionate,
To be truthful,
For the sake of appreciation,
As a return,
For a sense of significance,
In the life of a man,
That she chose to love,
Truly you are the queens of heaven,
In the hereafter.
Let truth be known,
Many of you has gone astrayed,
Driven by men, driven by wealth,
Driven by beauty that thou possess,
Let thy heart be soothed,
Beauty is a curse,
For without beauty,
You are already beautiful.
Thus women falter,
From graces they were,
To blazes of fire.
Alas, it burdens my weary eyes,
It grope my beating heart,
Like a punch to the stomach,
As I watch women pass by,
Hunger for attention,
Thirst for devotion,
From men who are flawed,
Yet accounted by God,
To lead them to happiness.
For I am just another flawed man,
Disgruntled with the world,
Yet his own problem is undone.
Oh women,
My hearfelt feeling goes to you,
For dreaming since young,
To engage another half of you,
To be supportive,
To be faithful,
To be compassionate,
To be truthful,
For the sake of appreciation,
As a return,
For a sense of significance,
In the life of a man,
That she chose to love,
Truly you are the queens of heaven,
In the hereafter.
Let truth be known,
Many of you has gone astrayed,
Driven by men, driven by wealth,
Driven by beauty that thou possess,
Let thy heart be soothed,
Beauty is a curse,
For without beauty,
You are already beautiful.
02 Mei 2009

Girl S: Girls like to date bad guys but would marry a good guy. If the bad guy turns into a good guy, then it would be perfect.
Guy A: Why?
Girl C: Because good guys are boring.
Guy A: That would make you a bad girl. (Pause) Why would a good guy marry a bad girl, and not a good girl?
Girl C: Because bad girls are hotter.
Guy A: Again, why would a GOOD guy marry a BAD giirrl?!!
Girl S: I regret bringing this up....sigh.
Ask yourself, why would a BAD guy date and marry a BAD girl? Because she's hot and sexy, that's obvious. Then if a GOOD guy gives the same answer, maybe he isn't a GOOD guy but instead a BAD guy. Or maybe he's just a GOOD guy who happens to prefer hot BAD girl. Who doesn't?!
I've watched an interview of a female artist before. In that interview she mentioned how unfortunate she has been with guys. Somehow she always ends up with a BAD guy, while looking for a GOOD one. She also scorned at those many BAD guys relentlessly trying to approach her. It's obvious to me that she deems herself worshipped-worthy by men, like a princess, and all she has to do is to pick one among them. Why wouldn't GOOD guys go chasing her? What makes her so confident that GOOD guys would even like her? Because she's hot?
Pity GOOD girls, when not BAD guys nor GOOD guys liken them. Hope there are still some GOOD guys out there who would want to marry GOOD girls.
"(Lazimnya) perempuan-perempuan yang jahat adalah untuk lelaki-lelaki yang jahat, dan lelaki-lelaki yang jahat untuk perempuan-perempuan yang jahat dan (sebaliknya) perempuan-perempuan yang baik untuk lelaki-lelaki yang baik dan lelaki-lelaki yang baik untuk perempuan-perempuan yang baik. Mereka (yang baik) itu adalah bersih dari (tuduhan buruk) yang dikatakan oleh orang-orang (yang jahat); mereka (yang baik) itu akan beroleh pengampunan (dari Allah) dan pengurniaan yang mulia."
Surah An-Nur 24: Ayat 26
So keep up the good work, good girls.
I am a bad guy who likes ONLY HOT good girl. Please understand. Hahaha.....

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