Girl S: Girls like to date bad guys but would marry a good guy. If the bad guy turns into a good guy, then it would be perfect.
Guy A: Why?
Girl C: Because good guys are boring.
Guy A: That would make you a bad girl. (Pause) Why would a good guy marry a bad girl, and not a good girl?
Girl C: Because bad girls are hotter.
Guy A: Again, why would a GOOD guy marry a BAD giirrl?!!
Girl S: I regret bringing this up....sigh.
Ask yourself, why would a BAD guy date and marry a BAD girl? Because she's hot and sexy, that's obvious. Then if a GOOD guy gives the same answer, maybe he isn't a GOOD guy but instead a BAD guy. Or maybe he's just a GOOD guy who happens to prefer hot BAD girl. Who doesn't?!
I've watched an interview of a female artist before. In that interview she mentioned how unfortunate she has been with guys. Somehow she always ends up with a BAD guy, while looking for a GOOD one. She also scorned at those many BAD guys relentlessly trying to approach her. It's obvious to me that she deems herself worshipped-worthy by men, like a princess, and all she has to do is to pick one among them. Why wouldn't GOOD guys go chasing her? What makes her so confident that GOOD guys would even like her? Because she's hot?
Pity GOOD girls, when not BAD guys nor GOOD guys liken them. Hope there are still some GOOD guys out there who would want to marry GOOD girls.
"(Lazimnya) perempuan-perempuan yang jahat adalah untuk lelaki-lelaki yang jahat, dan lelaki-lelaki yang jahat untuk perempuan-perempuan yang jahat dan (sebaliknya) perempuan-perempuan yang baik untuk lelaki-lelaki yang baik dan lelaki-lelaki yang baik untuk perempuan-perempuan yang baik. Mereka (yang baik) itu adalah bersih dari (tuduhan buruk) yang dikatakan oleh orang-orang (yang jahat); mereka (yang baik) itu akan beroleh pengampunan (dari Allah) dan pengurniaan yang mulia."
Surah An-Nur 24: Ayat 26
So keep up the good work, good girls.
I am a bad guy who likes ONLY HOT good girl. Please understand. Hahaha.....

alot of guy-girl relationship talks lately? hehe...spring is catching up?
BalasPadamp/s. if there exist a good girl which is hot and has the attention of noth the bad and good guys. the girl would normally choose the bad one , which makes her not a good girl anymore.
I am a bad guy who likes ONLY HOT good girl. Please understand. Hahaha.....
BalasPadamthat means....................??